
List of Puplications

M. Sc. Dissertation
1. Sztejnberg, A. 1963. M. Sc. Thesis. Survival of the fungus Phytophthora infestans  (Mont.) de Bary - the causal agent of late blight disease of potato - in Solanaceae wild  plants between grow seasons. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ph. D. Dissertation
2. Sztejnberg, A. 1971. Ph. D. Thesis. Studies on the nature and mechanism of "tolerance" and "generalized resistance" in wild oat population of     Avena sterilis L. in relation to oat stem rust, Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. avenae Eriks, and Henn.  The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 

3. Wahl, I., A. Dinoor, Z.K. Gerechter-Amitai and A. Sztejnberg, 1964. Physiologic specialization, host range and development of oat stem rust in Israel. Cereal Rust Conference, Cambridge: 242-253.

4. Wahl, I., I. Lev and A. Sztejnberg, 1966. Effect of sowing healthy tubers on potato late blight incidence. Scripta Hierosolymitana, Publications of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 18:171-208.

5. Sztejnberg, A. and I. Wahl, 1966. Studies on the host range of the potato blight fungus and its oversummering on wild and ornamental     Solanaceae flora. Proceedings of the First Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Bari-Naples: 452-460.

6. Sztejnberg, A. and I. Wahl, 1967. A new and highly virulent race of oat stem rust in Israel. Plant Dis. Reptr. 51:967-970.

7. Blakeman, J.P. and A. Sztejnberg, 1973. Effect of surface wax on inhibition of germination of Botrytis cinerea spores on beetroot leaves. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 3:269-278.

8. Sztejnberg, A. and J.P. Blakeman, 1973. Ultraviolet-induced changes in populations of epiphytic bacteria on beetroot leaves and their effect on germination of Botrytis cinerea spores. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 3:443-451.

9. Sztejnberg, A. and J.P. Blakeman, 1973. Studies on leaching of Botrytis cinerea conidia and dye absorption by bacteria in relation to competition for nutrients on leaves. J. Gen. Microbiol. 78:15-22.

10. Blakeman, J.P. and A. Sztejnberg, 1974. Germination of Botrytis cinerea spores on beetroot leaves treated with antibiotics. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 62:537-545.

11. Sztejnberg, A., R.J.W. Byrde and D. Woodcock, 1975. Antisporulant action of fungicides against Podosphaera leucotricha on apple seedlings. Pestic. Sci. 6:107-111.

12. Sztejnberg, A. 1976. Physiologic specialization in rust of stone fruits. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 39(49):253-259.

13. Sztejnberg, A. and I. Wahl, 1976. Mechanisms and stability of slow stem rusting resistance in Avena sterilis. Phytopathology 66:74-80. 

14. Sztejnberg, A., Z. Madar and I. Chet, 1980. Induction and quantification of microsclerotia in Rosellinia necatrix. Phytopathology 70:525-527.

15. Sztejnberg, A. and Z. Madar. 1980. Host range of Dematophora necatrix, the cause of white root rot disease in fruit trees. Plant Disease 64:662-664.

16. Sztejnberg, A., H. Azaizia and I. Chet, 1983. The possible role of phenolic compounds in resistance of horticultural crops to Dematophora necatrix Hartig. Phytopath. Z. 107:318-326.

17. Sztejnberg, A., N. Omary and Y. Pinkas, 1983. Control of Rosellinia necatrix by deep placement and hot treatment with methyl bromide. EPPO Bull. 13:483-485.

18. Galper, S., A. Sztejnberg and N. Lisker, 1985. Scanning electron microscopy of the ontogeny of Ampelomyces quisqualis pycnidia. Can. J. Microbiol. 31:961-964.

19. Sztejnberg, A. 1986. Etiology and control of cherry leaf spot disease in Israel caused by Cercospora circumscissa. Plant Disease 70:349-351.

20. Afek, U., A. Sztejnberg and S. Carmely, 1986. 6,7-dimethoxycoumarin, a citrus phytoalexin conferring resistance against Phytophthora gummosis. Phytochemistry 25:1855-1856.

21. Freeman, S., A. Sztejnberg and I. Chet, 1986. Evaluation of Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent for Rosellinia necatrix. Plant and Soil 94:163-170.

22. Sztejnberg, A., S. Freeman, I. Chet and J. Katan, 1987. Control of Rosellinia necatrix in soil and in apple orchard by solarization and Trichoderma harzianum. Plant Disease 71:365-369.

23. Afek, U. and A. Sztejnberg, 1988. Accumulation of scoparone, a phytoalexin associated with resistance of citrus to Phytophthora citrophthora. Phytopathology 78:1678-1682.

24. Sztejnberg, A., H. Azaizia and N. Lisker, 1989. Effect of tannins and phenolic extracts from plant roots on the production of cellulase and polygalacturonase by Dematophora necatrix. Phytoparasitica 17:49-53.

25. Sztejnberg, A., S. Galper, S. Mazar and N. Lisker, 1989. Ampelomyces quisqualis for biological and integrated control of powdery mildews in Israel. J. Phytopathology 124:285-295.

26. Afek, U. and A. Sztejnberg, 1989. Effects of fosetyl-Al and phosphorous acid on scoparone, a phytoalexin associated with resistance of citrus to Phytophthora citrophthora.  Phytopathology 79:736-739.

27. Afek, U. and A. Sztejnberg, 1990. A rapid method for evaluating citrus seedlings for resistance to foot rot caused by Phytophthora citrophthora. Plant Disease 74:66-68.

28. Sztejnberg, A., S. Galper and N. Lisker, 1990. Conditions for pycnidial production and spore formation by Ampelomyces quisqualis. Can. J. Microbiol. 36:193-198.

29. Freeman, S., A. Sztejnberg, E. Shabi and J. Katan, 1990. Long term effect of soil solarization for the control of Rosellinia necatrix in apple. Crop Protection 9:312-316.

30. Madar, Z., Z. Solel and A. Sztejnberg, 1990. The effect of Diplodia pinea f. sp. cupressi and Seiridium cardinale on water flow in cypress branches. Physiol. Mol. Plant Path. 37:389-398.

31. Madar, Z., Z. Solel, A. Sztejnberg and M. Kimchi, 1991. Effect of pruning of trunk side-branches of cypress on infection by Seiridium cardinaleand Diplodia pinea f. sp. cupressi. For. Ecol. Manage. 44:255-260.

32. Afek, U. and A. Sztejnberg, 1993. Temperature and gamma irradiation effects on scoparone, a citrus phytoalexin conferring resistance to Phytophthora citrophthora. Phytopathology 83:753-758.

33. Rotem, Y., O. Shoseyov and A. Sztejnberg, 1995. The role of cellulase (endo-1,4-ß-glucanase) in gummosis diseases in apricot. J. Phytopathology 143:7-10.

34. Madar, Z., H. E. Gottlieb, M. Cojocaru, J. Riov, Z. Solel and A. Sztejnberg, 1995. Antifungal terpenoids produced by cypress after infection by Diplodia pinea f. sp. cupressi. Phytochemistry 38:351-354.

35. Mozes-Koch, R., O. Edelbaum, O. Livneh, A. Sztejnberg, A. Uziel, U. Gerson     and I. Sela, 1995. Identification of Hirsutella species, isolates within a species and intraspecific heterokaryons by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). J. Pl. Dis. Prot. 102:284-290..

36. Madar, Z., Z. Solel, J. Riov and A. Sztejnberg, 1995. Phytoalexin production by cypress in response to infection by Diplodia pinea f. sp. cupressi and its relation to water stress. Physiol. Mol. Plant Path. 47:29-38.

37. Weiss, N., A. Sztejnberg and O. Yarden, 1996. The chsA gene, encoding a class-I chitin synthase from Ampelomyces quisqualis. Gene 168:99-102.

38. Abo-Foul, S., V.I. Raskin, A. Sztejnberg and J.B. Marder, 1996. Disruption of chlorophyll organization and function in powdery mildew-diseased cucumber leaves and its control by the hyperparasite Ampelomyces quisqualis. Phytopathology 86:195-199.

39. Falk, SP, R. C. Pearson, D.M. Gadoury, R.C. Seem and A. Sztejnberg, 1996. Fusarium proliferatum as a biocontrol agent against grape downy mildew. Phytopathology 86:1010-1017.

40. Chernin, L., A. Gafni, R. Mozes-Koch, U. Gerson and A. Sztejnberg, 1997. Chitinolytic activity of acaropathogenic fungi Hirsutella thompsonii and Hirsutella necatrix. Can. J. Microbiol. 43:440-446.

41. Sztejnberg, A., S. Doron-Shloush and U. Gerson, 1997. The biology of the  acaropathogenic fungus Hirsutella kirchneri. Biocontrol Sci. Technol.  7:577-590.

42. Elad, Y., B. Kirshner, N. Yehuda and A. Sztejnberg, 1998. Management of powdery mildew and gray mold of cucumber by Trichoderma harzianum T39 and Ampelomyces quisqualis AQ10. BioControl 43:241-251.

43. Rotem, Y., O. Yarden and A. Sztejnberg, 1999. The mycoparasite Ampelomyces quisqualis expresses exgA encoding an exo--1,3-glucanase in culture and during mycoparasitism. Phytopathology 89:631-638.

44. Bakshi, S., A. Sztejnberg and O. Yarden, 2001. Isolation and characterization of a cold-tolerant strain of Fusarium proliferatum, a biocontrol agent of grape downy mildew. Phytopathology 91:1062-1068.

45. Brand, M., Mesika, Y., Elad, Sztejnberg, A., Rav-David, D. and Nitzani, Y. (2002) Effect of greenhouse climate on biocontrol of powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) in sweet pepper and prospects for integrated disease management. IOBC/WPRS Bull. 25:69-72.

46. Boekhout, T., B. Theelen,  J. Houbraken, V. Robert, G. Scorzetti, A. Gafni, U. Gerson and A. Sztejnberg, 2003. Novel anamorphic mite-associated fungi belonging to the Ustilaginomycetes: Meira geulakonigii gen. nov., sp. nov., Meira argovae sp. nov. and Acaromyces ingoldii gen. nov., sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 53:1655-1664.

47. Freeman, S., D.K. Gueta, N. Korolev and A. Sztejnberg, 2004. Epidemiology and survival of Fusarium mangiferae, the casual agent of mango mal formation disease. Acta Hort. 645:487-491.

48. Sztejnberg, A., Z. Paz, T. Boekhout, A. Gafni and U. Gerson, 2004. A new fungus with dual biocontrol capabilities: reducing the numbers of phytophagous mites and powdery mildew disease damage. Crop Protection 23:1125-1129.

49. Gerson, U., Z. Paz., L Kushnir, and A Sztejnberg, 2005. New Fungi to Control Phytophagous Mites and Phytophatogenic Fungi. . IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 28(1): 103-106.

50. Amsalem, L., S. Freeman, D. Rav-David, Y. Nitzani, A. Sztejnberg, I. Pertot and  and Y. Elad, 2006.Effect of climatic factors on powdery mildew caused by Sphaerotheca macularis f.sp. fragariae on strawberry. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 114:283-292.

51. Youssef, S.A., M. Maymon, A. Zveibil, D. Klein-Gueta, A. Sztejnberg, A.A. Shalaby and S. Freeman, 2006. Epidemiological aspects of mango malformation disease caused by Fusarium mangiferae and source of infection in seedlings cultivated in orchards in Egypt. Plant Pathol. 56:257-263.

52. Sadowsky, A., Z. Solel and A. Sztejnberg, 2007. Effect of heat-stress predisposition on the development of Scytalidium wilt of ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit, caused by Scytalidium lignicola. Eur. J.Plant Pathol. 117:123-127.

53. Paz, Z., U. Gerson and A. Sztejnberg, 2007. Assaying three new fungi against citrus mites in the laboratory, and a field trial. BioControl 52:855-862.

54. Elad, Y., Y. Messika, M. Brand, D. Rav David and A. Sztejnberg, 2007. Effect of colored shade nets on pepper powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica). Phytoparasitica 35:285-299.

55. Elad, Y., Y. Messika, M. Brand, D. Rav David and A. Sztejnberg, 2007. Effect of microclimate on Leveillula taurica powdery mildew of sweet pepper. Phytopathology 97:813-824.

56. Paz, Z., S. Burdman, U. Gerson and A. Sztejnberg, 2008. Antagonistic effects of endophytic fungus Meira geulakonigii on the citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora. J. Appl. Microbiol. 103:2570-2579.

57. Jacob, D., D. Rav David, A. Sztejnberg and Y. Elad, 2008.Conditions for development of powdery mildew of tomato caused by Oidium neolycopersici. Phytopathology 98:270-281.

58. Youssef, S.A., A.A. Shalaby, A. Sztejnberg, M. Maymon, A. Zveibil, D. Klein-Gueta and S. Freeman, 2008. Mango malformation: source of disease in seedlings cultivated in infected orchards in Egypt. Acta Hort. (in press). Mango symposium 2006.

59. Gamliel-Atkinsky, E., M., Mymon, A. Sztejnberg, E. Palevsky, E. Belausov and S. Freeman, 2008. Interaction of the mango bud mite, Aceria mangiferae, with Fusarium mangiferae, casual agent of mango malformation disease. Acta Hort. (in press). Mango symposium 2006. 

60. De Cal, A., C. Redondo, A. Sztejnberg and P. Melgarejo, 2008. Biocontrol of powdery mildew by Penicillium oxalicum in open-field nurseries of strawberries. Biol. Contr. 47:103-107.

61. Gamliel-Atinsky E., S., Freeman, A. Sztejnberg, M. Maymon, R. Ochoa, E. Belausov, and E. Palevsky, 2009. Interaction of the mite Aceria mangiferae with Fusarium mangiferae, the causal agent of mango malformation disease. Phytopathology 99:152-159.

62. Gamliel-Atinsky E., A. Sztejnberg, M. Maymon, D. Shtienberg, and S. Freeman, 2009. Inoculum availability and conidial dispersal patterns of Fusarium mangiferae, the causal agent of mango malformation disease. Phytopathology 99:160-166.      

63.  Card S.D., M. Walter, M.V. Jaspers, A. Sztejnberg and A. Stewart, 2009. Targeted selection of antagonistic microorganisms for control of Botrytis cinerea of strawberry in New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathol. 38:183-192.

64. Sabuquillo P., A. Sztejnberg, A. De Cal and P. Melgarejo, 2009. Relationship between number and type of adhesions of Penicillium oxalicum conidia to tomato roots and biological control of tomato wilt. Biol. Contr. 48:244-251.

65. Gamliel-Atinsky, E., A., Sztejnberg,  M. Maymon, H. Vintal,, D. Shtienberg,. and S. Freeman, 2009.Infection dynamics of Fusarium mangiferae, causal agent of mango malformation disease. Phytopathology 99:775-781.

66. De Cal, A., A. Sztejnberg, P. Sabuquillo and P. Melgarejo, 2009. Management Fusarium wilt on melon and watermelon by Penicillium oxalicum. Biol. Contr. 51:480-486.

67. Brand, M., Y. Messika, Y. Elad, D. Rav David and A. Sztejnberg, 2009. Spray treatments combined with climate modification for the management of Leveillula taurica in sweet pepper. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 124:309-329.

68. Kushnir  L., Z. Paz , U. Gerson  and A. Sztejnberg, 2011. The effect of three basidiomycetous fungal species on soil-borne, foliage and fruit-damaging phytopathogens in laboratory experiments. BioControl 56:799-810. 

69. Paz, Z., I. Bilkis, U.Gerson, Z. Kerem and A.Sztejnberg , 2011. Argovin, a novel natural product  secreted by the  fungus Meira argovae, is antagonistic to mites. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata  140:247-253.

Invited Reviewed, Chapters in Books and Manuals

70. Palti, J., Z. Solel, A. Sztejnberg, 1977. A Check List of Diseases of Fruit Crops in Israel. Phytoparasitica, Supplement No. 1, 55 pp.

71. Sztejnberg, A. and J. Katan, 1979. Introduction to Plant Pathology, Laboratory Manual (Hebrew). Academon Publication, Jerusalem, 78 pp.

72. Sztejnberg, A. and J. Golan. 1980. Changes in the occurrence of fruit crops diseases as a result of changes in irrigation methods. Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Patras, Greece, pp. 127-128

73. Tsao, H.T., G.C. Daft, A. Sztejnberg and Y. Miyata, 1987. Potting mixes for control of Phytophthora root rot. Pages 27-28 in: Minimal Maintenance Landscaping. R. Vennen, (Ed.). University of Calofornia, Berkeley.

74. Afek, U. and A. Sztejnberg, 1988. The involvement of scoparone (6,7 - dimethoxycoumarin) in resistance of citrus rootstocks against Phytophthora citrophthora. Pages 779-785 in: Citriculture. Proceedings of the Sixth International Citrus Congress, Tel Aviv, Israel. R. Goren and     K. Mendel, (Eds.). Margraf Scientific Books, Weikersheim, FR Germany.

75. Sztejnberg, A. 1990. Rosellinia (Dematophora) Root Rot. Pages 46-47 in: Compendium of Apple and Pear Diseases. A.L. Jones, H. Aldwinckle and S. Thomson, (Eds.). The American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

76. Freeman, S. and A. Sztejnberg, 1992. Rosellinia. Pages 71-73 in: Methods for Research on Soilborne Phytopathogenic Fungi. L.L.Singleton, J.D. Mihail and C.M. Rush , (Eds.). The American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

77. Sztejnberg, A., N. Eshed, A. Dinoor, J. Katan and R. Kenneth, 1992. Introduction to Plant Pathology, Laboratory Manual (Hebrew). Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University, Rehovot, 120 pp.

78. Afek, U. and A. Sztejnberg, 1994. Scoparone (6, 7-dimethoxycoumarin), a citrus phytoalexin involved in resistance to pathogens. Pages 263-286 in: Handbook of Phytoalexin Metabolism and Action. M. Daniel and R. P. Purkayastha (Eds.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA.

79. Sztejnberg, A. 1994. Rosellinia (Dematophora) Root Rot in Avocado.     Pages 80-81 in: Compendium of Tropical Fruit Diseases. R. C. Ploetz, G. A. Zentmyer, W. T. Nishijima, K. G. Rohrbach and H. D. Ohr, (Eds.). The American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

80. Sztejnberg, A. 1995. Cercospora Leaf Spot of Cherry. Page 27 in: Compendium of  Stone Fruit Diseases. J.M. Ogawa and E.I. Zehr (Eds.). The American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

81. Sztejnberg, A., S. Abo-Foul, G. Mairovich-Rosenbaum and J.B. Marder, 1996. The biocontrol agent Ampelomyces quisqualis: Its effects on powdery mildew and plant host. Page 354 in: Advances in Biological Control of Plant Diseases. T. Wenhua, R.J. Cook and A. Rovira, (Eds.). China Agricultural University Press, Beijing, China.   
82. Shabi, E. and A.Sztejnberg, 1998. Diseases of deciduous fruit crops. Pages 419-435 in: Plant Diseases in Israel. J. Rotem , J. Palti and Y. Ben-Yephet (Eds.). (Hebrew). Agricultural Research Organization Press, Volcani Center,Bet Dagan,Israel.

83. Sztejnberg, A. and E. Shabi, 1998. Diseases of grapes and olives. Pages 437-443 in: Plant Diseases in Israel. J. Rotem , J. Palti and Y. Ben-Yephet (Eds.). (Hebrew). Agricultural Research Organization Press, Volcani Center,Bet Dagan,Israel.

84. Sztejnberg, A. and E. Shabi, 2000. Diseases of apples caused by bacteria and fungi. Pages 296-311  in: Apple Cultivation. A. Zur and A. Gur (Eds)  Fruit Board of Israel, Tel Aviv (Hebrew).

85. Sztejnberg, A. and E. Shabi, 2000. Stone fruit diseases. Pages 55-69 in: A Guide to Integrated Pest Management of Stone Fruits in Israel. M. Cohen (Ed.). Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Extension Service, Catalog No. 21207, Israel (Hebrew).

86.   Gerson,U., A. Gafni, Z. Paz and A. Sztejnberg, 2008. A tale of three acaropathogenic fungi Hirsutella, Meira and Acaromyces.Experimental and Applied Acarology 46:183-194. 


87.  Sztejnberg, A. 1988. Use of Ampelomyces quisqualis and a pure culture thereof. Patent No. 87323, Israel and Patent No.618385, Australia.

1989. Use of Ampelomyces quisqualis and a pure culture thereof. Patent No. 89114009.7, European Patent  Office (13 countries). 
1990. Use of Ampelomyces quisqualis and a pure culture thereof. Patent No. 89/5870, Republic of South Africa.
1993. Ampelomyces quisqualis AQ10, CNCM I-807, for  biological control of powdery mildew. Patent No. 5,190,754, U.S.A.
1995. Method of controlling powdery mildew infestation and infection in agricultural plants with cultured strain of fungus. Patent No. 2056927, Japan

88. Sztejnberg, A. and R.C. Pearson, 1997. Controlling oomycete-caused  diseases in plants using Fusarium proliferatum. Patent No. 5601817, U.S.A.

89. Sztejnberg, A., U. Gerson and A. Gafni, 2002. New species of fungi and their use in pest and disease control. Patent No. 147835, Israel. International Application Patent No. PCT/IL03/00059.

90. Sztejnberg, A., U. Gerson, Z. Paz, Z. Kerem and I. Bilkis, 2009. PESTICIDAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING 4,5-DIHYDROXYINDAN-1-ONE. US Provisional Patent Application No. 61/242,829

91. Heller, D., A. Sztejnberg, U. Gerson and A. Gafni, 2011. Antibacterial compositions comprising 4,5-dihydroxyindan-1-one. US Provisional Patent Application No.61/448,666