Diseases and disease resistance in natural populations of crop progenitors.
Wahl, I., Dinoor, A., Halperin, J., and Schreiter, S. 1960. The effect of Rhamnuspalaestina on the origin and persistence of oat crown rust races. Phytopathology 50:562-567.
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Dinoor, A. 1973a. Physiologic specialization of oat crown rust in Israel, 1962-1965. Cereal Rusts Bull. 1:9-11.
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Dinoor, A. 1973c. Comments on race surveys. Cereal Rusts Bull. 1:26.
Wolfe, M.S., and Dinoor, A. 1973. The problem of fungicide tolerance in the field. Proceedings of the 7th BritishInsecticide and FungicideConference, Brighton, England, 19-22 November. Vol.1:11-19.
Ellal, G., and Dinoor, A. 1973. Chemical control of Septoria leaf blotch in wheat. Proceedings of the 7th BritishInsecticide and FungicideConference, Brighton, England, 19-22 November. Vol. 1:193-199.
Ben-Yephet, Y., Henis, Y., and Dinoor, A. 1974. Genetic studies on tolerance to carboxin and benomyl at the asexual phase of Ustilagohordei. Phytopathology 64:51-56.
Prusky, D., Eshel, Y., and Dinoor, A. 1974. Symptomless effects of systemic fungicides on plants. Phytopathology 64:812-813.
Dinoor, A. 1974. The role of wild and cultivated plants in the epidemiology of plant diseases in Israel. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 12:413-436.
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Ben-Yephet, Y. Y., Henis, Y., and Dinoor, A. 1975a. Inheritance of tolerance to carboxin and benomyl in Ustilago hordei. Phytopathology 65:563-567.
Ben-Yephet, Y. Y., Henis, Y., and Dinoor, A. 1975b. The Physiological basis of carboxin sensitivity and tolerance in Ustilago hordei. Phytopathology 65:936-942.
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Dinoor, A. 1977a. Oat crown rust resistance in Israel. Pages 357-366 in : The Genetic Basis of Epidemics in Agriculture. P.R. Day, ed. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, USA. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 287:357–366.
Dinoor, A. 1977b. Genes for Disease Resistance from Native Populations. Pages 15-25 in: Induced mutations against plant diseases, proceedings of a symposium, 31 January-4 February, Vienna, Austria. International Atomic Energy Agency and FAO.
Dinoor, A. 1977 c. Seed treatment of wheat with benzimidazole fungicides, against Septoria tritici, under semi-arid conditions. in: Internal therapy of plants. Fuchs, A. ed. Neth. J. Pl. Path. 83 (Suppl. 1):339-342.
Solel, Z., Sandler, D., and Dinoor, A. 1979. Mobility and persistence of carbendaxim and thiabendazole applied to soil via drip irrigation. Phytopathology 69:1273-1277.
Prusky, D., Dinoor, A., and Jacoby, B. 1979. Is the accumulation of systemic fungicides at the infection site related to its eradicative action? Pest. Biochem. Physiol. 12:75-78.
Prusky, D., Dinoor, A., and Jacoby, B. 1980. The sequence of death of haustoria and host cells during the hypersensitive reaction of histological events in the development of hypersensitivity in oat crown rust. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 17:33-40.
Eshed, N., and Dinoor, A. 1980. Genetics of pathogenicity in Pucciniacoronata: Pathogenic specialization at the host genus level. Phytopathology 70:1042-1046.
Nof, E., and Dinoor, A. 1980. The manifestation of Gene-for-Gene relationships in oats and crown rust. Proc. 5th European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts Conference: 47-48.
Barak, E., Dinoor, A., and Jacoby, B. 1981. Factors affecting the apoplastic translocation of systemic fungicides in plant stems. Proc. Br. Crop Protection Conf. Pests and Diseases. Vol. 1:129-136.
Dinoor, A. 1981a. Epidemics caused by fungal pathogens in wild and crop plants. Pages143-158 in: Pests, Pathogens and Vegetation. Thresh, J. M., ed. Pitmans Books, Ltd., London, UK.
Dinoor, A. 1981b. Dynamic preservation of germ-plasm in nature reserves. Kidma: Israel Journal of Development 6:22-25.
Eshed, N., and Dinoor, A. 1981. Genetics of pathogenicity in Pucciniacoronata: The host range among grasses. Phytopathology 71:156-163.
Gutter, Y., Shachnai, A., Schiffmann-Nadel, M., and Dinoor, A. 1981a. Biological aspects of citrus mold resistant to benzimidazoles. Phytopathology 71:482-487.
Gutter, Y., A. Shachnai, A., Schiffmann-Nadel, M., and Dinoor, A. 1981b. Chemical control in citrus of green and blue molds resistant to benzimidazoles. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift (J. Phytopathol.) 102:127-138.
Prusky, D., Dinoor, A., and Jacoby, B. 1981a. The fungicide or heat induced hypersensitive reaction of oats to crown rust: relation between various treatments and infection type. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 18:181-186.
Prusky, D., Dinoor, A., and Jacoby, B. 1981b. Effects of 1-chlorocholine chloride on resistance of oats to crown rust. J. Phytopathol. 101:175-178.
Barak, E., Dinoor, A., and Jacoby, B. 1983. Adsorption of systemic fungicides and a herbicide by some components of plant tissues in relation to some physicochemical properties of pesticides. Pestic. Sci. 14:213-219.
Barak, E., Jacoby, B., and Dinoor, A. 1983. Adsorption of systemic pesticides on ground stems and in the apoplastic pathway of stems, as related to lignification and lipophilicity of the pesticides. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 20:194-202.
Droby, S., Prusky, D., Dinoor, A., and Barkai-Golan, R. 1984. Alternariaalternata: a new pathogen on stored potatoes. Plant Dis. 68:160-161.
Droby, S., Dinoor, A., Prusky, D., and Barkai-Golan, R. 1984. Pathogenicity of Alternariaalternata on potato in Israel. Phytopathology 74:537-542.
Dinoor, A., and Eshed, N. 1984. The role and importance of pathogens in natural plant communities. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 22:443-466.
Dinoor, A., and Eshed, N. 1987. The analysis of host and pathogen populations: Natural ecosystems. Pages 75-88 in: Populations of Plant Pathogens: Their Dynamics and Genetics. Wolfe M.S. and C.E. Caten eds. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK.
Dinoor, A., Eshed, N., and Nof, E. 1988. Puccinia coronata, crown rust of oat and grasses (Genetics of Pucciniacoronata). Pages 333-344 in: Advances in Plant Pathology Vol. 6: Genetics of Plant Pathogenic Fungi. Sidhu, G. ed. Academic Press. London, UK.
Ephrath, J.E., Shtienberg, D., Dreishpoun, J., Dinoor, A., and Marani, A. 1989. Alternariaalternata in cotton (Gosypiumhirsutum) cv. Akala: effects on gas exchange, yield components and yield accumulation. Neth. J. Plant Pathol. 95:157-166.
Ecker, R., Cahaner, A., and Dinoor, A. 1989. The inheritance of resistance to Septoria glume blotch. I. Common bread wheat, Triticumaestivum. Plant Breed. 102:113-121.
Shtienberg, D., Dinoor, A., and Marani, A. 1990. Evaluation of the single tillers method for yield loss assessment in wheat under Israeli conditions. J. Phytopathol. 130:331-341.
Shtienberg, D., Dinoor, A., and Marani, A. 1990. Wheat Disease Control Advisory, a decision support system for management of foliar disease of wheat in Israel. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 12:195-203.
Ecker, R., Cahaner, A., and Dinoor, A. 1990a. The inheritance of resistance to Septoria glume blotch. II. The wheat species Aegilopsspeltoides. Plant Breed. 104:218-223.
Ecker, R., Cahaner, A., and Dinoor, A. 1990b. The inheritance of resistance to Septoria glume blotch. III. The wild wheat species Aegilopslongissima. Plant Breed. 104:224-230.
Dinoor, A., and Eshed, N. 1990. Plant diseases in natural populations of wild barley (Hordeumspontaneum). Pages 169-186 in: Pests, Pathogens and Plant Communities Burdon J. J. and Leather, S.R. eds. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK.
Pnuel, Y., Shiffer, O., Dinoor, A., and Shtienberg, D. 1990. Successful control of wheat diseases using the WDCA decision support system. Hassadeh Quart. 1:19-22.
Dinoor, A., Eshed, N., Ecker, R., Gerechter-Amitai, Z., Solel, Z., Manisterski, J., and Anikster, Y. 1991. Fungal diseases of wild tetraploid wheat in a natural stand in northern Israel. Isr. J. Bot. 40:481-500.
Shtienberg, D., Kremer, Y., and Dinoor, A. 1993. Influence of physiological age of Pima cotton on need for fungicide treatment to suppress Alternaria leaf spot. Phytopathology 83: 1235-1239.
Dinoor, A. 1993. Dr.Nava Eshed (1935-1992) Obituary. Phytoparasitica 21:91-92.
Wattad, C., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 1994. Purification of pectate lyase produced by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its inhibition by epicatechin: a possible factor involved in the resistance of unripe avocado fruits to anthracnose. (Research note) Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 7:293-297.
Leibovich, G., Elkind, Y., Dinoor, A., and Cohen, R. 1995. Quantitative genetic analysis of Sphaerotheca fuliginea sporulation in Cucurbita pepo. Plant Breed. 114:460-462.
Shtienberg, D., Blachinsky, D., Kremer, Y., Ben-Hador, G., and Dinoor, A. 1995. Integration of genotype and age-related resistances to reduce fungicide use in management of Alternaria diseases of cotton and potato. Phytopathology 85:995-1002.
Wattad, C., Freeman, S., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 1995. A nonpathogenic mutant of Colletotrichum magna is deficient in extracellular secretion of pectate lyase. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 8:621-626.
Perez, A., Ben-Arie, R., Dinoor, A., Genizi, A., and Prusky, D. 1995. Prevention of black spot disease in persimmon fruit by gibberellic acid and iprodione treatments. Phytopathology 85:221-225.
Blachinsky, D., Shtienberg, D., Dinoor, A., Kafkafi, U., Sujkowski, L. S., Zitter, T. A., and Fry, W. E. 1996. Influence of foliar application of nitrogen and potassium on Alternaria diseases in potato, tomato and cotton. Phytoparasitica 24:281-292.
Shtienberg, D., Blachinsky, D., Ben-Hador, G., and Dinoor, A. 1996. Effects of growing season and fungicide type on the development of Alternaria solani and on potato yield. Plant Dis. 80:994-998.
Wattad, C., Kobiler, D., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 1997. Pectate lyase of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides attacking avocado fruits: cDNA cloning and involvement in pathogenicity. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 50:197-212.
Dinoor, A., and Eshed, N. 1997. Plant conservation in situ for disease resistance. Pages 323-336 in: Plant Genetic Conservation: the In-Situ Approach. Maxted, N., Ford Lloyd B.V., and Hawkes J.G. eds. Chapman & Hall Ltd, London, UK.
Vintal, H., Ben-Noon, E., Shlevin, E., Yermiyahu, U., Shtienberg, D., and Dinoor, A. 1999. Influence of rate of soil fertilization on Alternaria leaf blight (Alternaria dauci) in carrots. Phytoparasitica, 27:193-200.
Sharabani, G., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y., and Dinoor, A. 1999. Epidemiology of Botrytis cinerea in sweet basil and implications for disease management. Plant Dis. 83:554-560.
Watson, A.K., Gressel, J., Sharon, A., and Dinoor, A. 2000. Colletotrichum strains for weed control. Pages 245-265 in: Colletotrichum: Host Specificity, Pathology, and Host-Pathogen Interaction. Prusky, D., Freeman, S., and Dickman, M.B., eds. APS Press, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Charudattan, R., and Dinoor, A. 2000. Biological control of weeds using plant pathogens: accomplishments and limitations. Crop Prot. 19:691-695. (conference paper) Conference Title: XIVth International plant protection congress, Jerusalem, Israel, July 25-30, 1999.
Yakoby, N., Freeman, S., Dinoor, A., Keen, N. T., and Prusky, D. 2000. Expression of pectate lyase from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in C. magna promotes pathogenicity. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 13:887-891.
Yakoby, N., Kobiler, I., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 2000. pH regulation of pectate lyase secretion modulates the attack of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on avocado fruits. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:1026-1030.
Eshel, D., Ben-Arie, R., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 2000. Resistance of gibberellin-treated persimmon fruit to Alternaria alternata arises from the reduced ability of the fungus to produce endo-1,4-β-glucanase. Phytopathology 90:1256-1262.
Ben-Noon. E., Shtienberg, D., Shlevin, E., Vintal. H., and Dinoor, A. 2001. Optimization of chemical suppression of Alternaria dauci, the causal agent of Alternaria leaf blight in carrots. Plant Dis. 85:1149-1156.
Guetsky, R., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y., and Dinoor, A. 2001. Combining biocontrol agents to reduce the variability of biological control. Phytopathology 91:621-627.
Yakoby, N., Beno-Moualem, D., Keen, N.T., Dinoor, A., Pines, O., and Prusky, D. 2001. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides pelB is an important virulence factor in avocado fruit-fungus interaction. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact.14:988-995.
Guetsky, R., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y., and Dinoor, A. 2001. Establishment, survival and activity of biocontrol agents applied as a mixture in strawberry crops. Pages 193-196 in: IOBC/WPRS Working Group "Biological Control of Fungal and Bacterial Plant Pathogens". Proceedings of the sixth meeting, Biocontrol Agents: Mode of Action and Interaction with Other Means of Control, Sevilla, Spain, November 30 - December 3, 2000. Elad, Y., Freeman, S., Monte, E. eds. Bulletin OILB/SROP 24:193-196.
Yakoby, N., Zhou, R., Kobiler, I., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 2001. Development of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides restriction enzyme-mediated integration mutants as biocontrol agents against anthracnose disease in avocado fruits. Phytopathology 91:143-148.
Eshel, D., Beno-Moualem, D., Lorang, J.M., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 2002. Induction of peroxidase during infection of unripe persimmon fruit by Alternaria alternata: a possible quiescence mechanism. J. Phytopathol. 150:357-362.
Eshel, D., Miyara, I., Ailing, T., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 2002. pH Regulates endoglucanase expression and virulence of Alternaria alternata in persimmon fruit. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 15:774-779.
Eshel, D., Lichter, A., Dinoor, A., and Prusky, D. 2002. Characterization of Alternaria alternata glucanase genes expressed during infection of resistant and susceptible persimmon fruits. Mol. Plant Pathol. 3:347-358.
Guetsky, R., Elad, Y., Shtienberg, D., and Dinoor, A. 2002a. Improved biocontrol of Botrytis cinerea on detached strawberry leaves by adding nutritional supplements to a mixture of Pichia guilermondii and Bacillus mycoides. Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 12:625-630.
Guetsky, R., Elad, Y., Shtienberg, D., and Dinoor, A. 2002b. Establishment, survival and activity of the biocontrol agents Pichia guillermondii and Bacillus mycoides applied as a mixture on strawberry plants. Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 12:705-714.
Guetsky, R., Shtienberg, D., Elad, Y., Fischer, E., and Dinoor, A. 2002. Improving biological control by combining biocontrol agents each with several mechanisms of disease suppression. Phytopathology 92:976-985.
Ben-Noon, E., Shtienberg, D., Shlevin, E., and Dinoor, A. 2003. Joint action of disease control measures: a case study of Alternaria leaf blight of carrot. Phytopathology 93:1320-1328.
Drori, N., Kramer-Haimovich, H., Rollins, J., Dinoor, A., Okon, Y., Pines, O., and Prusky, D. 2003. External pH and nitrogen source affect secretion of pectate lyase by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:3258-3262.
Xie, W.L., Wie, C.J., Sun, Q.X., Zeng, B., NI, Z.F., Yang, T.M., Dinoor, A., Nevo, E., and Fahima, T. 2003. Identification of resistance gene analog markers closely linked to the powdery mildew resistance gene, MlG, derived from wild emmer wheat Triticum dicoccoides. 10th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, Paestum, Italy. Vol. 3:1287-1289.
Dreiseitl, A., and Dinoor, A. 2004. Phenotypic diversity of barley powdery mildew resistance sources. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 51:251-257.
Gamliel-Atinsky, E., Shtienberg, D., Vintal, H., Nitzni, Y., and Dinoor, A. 2005. Production of Didymella rabiei pseudothecia and dispersal of ascospores in a Mediterranean climate. Phytopathology 95:1279-1286.
Shtienberg, D., Gamliel-Atinsky, E., Retig, B., Brener, S., and Dinoor, A. 2005. Significance of preventing primary infections by Didymella rabiei and development of a model to estimate the maturity of pseudothecia. Plant Dis. 89:1027-1034.
Dreiseitl, A., Dinoor, A., and Kosman, E. 2006. Virulence and Diversity of Blumeria graminis f. sp hordei in Israel and in the Czech Republic. Plant Dis. 90:1031-1038.
Dinoor, A. 2006. Reminiscence. Can. J. Plant Pathol.28: S381 Suppl. .
Shcolnick, S., Dinoor, A., and Tsror, L.2007. Additional vegetative compatibility groups in Colletotrichum coccodes subpopulations from Europe and Israel. Plant Dis. 91:805-808.
Ben-David, R., Xie WeiLong, X., Peleg, Z., Saranga, Y., Dinoor, A., and Fahima, T. 2010. Identification and mapping of PmG16, a powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 121:499-510.
WeiLong, X., Ben-David, R., Zeng, B., Dinoor, A., Chaojie, X., Sun QiXin, S., Röder, M. S., Fahoum, A., and Fahima, T. 2012. Suppressed recombination rate in 6VS/6AL translocation region carrying the Pm21 locus introgressed from Haynaldia villosa into hexaploid wheat. Mol. Breed. 29:399-412.
Schachtel, G. A., Dinoor, A., Herrmann, A., and Kosman, E. 2012. Comprehensive evaluation of virulence and resistance data: a new analysis tool. Plant Dis. 96:1060-1063.
WeiLong, X., Ben-David, R., Zeng, B., Distelfeld, A., Röder, M. S., Dinoor, A., and Fahima, T. 2012. Identification and characterization of a novel powdery mildew resistance gene PmG3M derived from wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides. Theor. Appl. Genet. 124:911-922.
Katan, J., and Dinoor, A. 2012. Professor Robert (Bob) Kenneth 1922-2012 Obituary. Phytoparasitica 40:415-416.
Ben-David, R., Peleg, Z., Dinoor, A., Saranga, Y., Korol, A. B., and Fahima, T. 2014. Genetic dissection of quantitative powdery mildew resistance loci in tetraploid wheat. Mol. Breed. 34:1647-1658.
Reddy, Bheema, Lingeswara, I.N., Chandrasekhar, K., Zewdu, Y., Dinoor, A., Keller, B., and Ben-David, R. 2016. Identification and genetic mapping of PmAF7DS a powdery mildew resistance gene in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 129:1127-1137.
Ben-David, R., Parks, R., Dinoor, A., Kosman, E., Wicker, T., Keller, B., and Cowger, C. 2016. Differentiation among Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates originating from wild vs. domesticated Triticum species in Israel. Phytopathology 106:861-870.
Ben-David, R., Dinoor, A., Peleg, Z., and Fahima, T. 2017. Reciprocal Hosts’ responses to powdery mildew isolates originating from domesticated wheats and their wild progenitor. Front. Plant Sci. Online publication. doi:/10.3389/fpls.2018.00075.
McNally, K.E., Menardo, F., Luthi, L., Praz, C. R., Muller, M. C., Kunz, L., Ben-David, R., Chandrasekhar, K., Dinoor, A., Cowger, C., Meyers, E., Xue, M., Zeng, F., Gong, S., Yu, D., Bourras, S., and Keller, B. 2018. Distinct domains of the AVRPM3A2/F2 avirulence protein from wheat powdery mildew are involved in immune receptor recognition and putative effector function. New Phytol. 218:681-695.
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